Crater Lake NP Rules & Regulations

Bend Oregon
> Crater Lake National Park
> Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

As with every US National Park, Crater Lake National Park is governed by specific rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are in place to protect the cultural history, natural history and beauty of the Park – as well as to provide safety to the nearly one-half million visitors who travel to the Park each year. Read More

With close to half a million visitors a year, you need to have at least some rules and regulations. When Crater Lake National Park was first established in 1902, specific rules and regulations were put in place that are still valid today. A condensed version of these follows:

1. It is forbidden to injure or destroy any of the natural wonders within the Park.
2. It is forbidden to cut any timber with the exception of taking dead or fallen timber for use by campers for firewood.
3. Fires should be lighted only when necessary and completely extinguished when no longer needed.
4. Take all precautions to avoid starting a wildfire or forest fire.
5. It is forbidden to hunt, kill, wound or capture any bird or wild animal on Park lands.
6. Fishing with nets, traps, or by the use of drugs or explosives, or in any other way than with hook and line is prohibited.
7. No person will be permitted to reside in or to engage in any business in the park without permission, in writing, from the Secretary of the Interior.
8. The herding or grazing of loose stock or cattle of any kind on the Government lands in the park is forbidden.
9. The sale or use of intoxicating liquors on the Government lands in the park is strictly forbidden.
10. Surprisingly, the initial rules and regulations did provide that the Park land would remain open to the location of mining claims and the working of those same claims.

As modes of transportation changed – from horses to automobiles, motorcycles, and bicycles - addition rules and regulations were put into place to protect the Park and the public. When visiting Crater Lake National Park, be sure to check the current rules and regulations and if you have any questions, contact one of the Park Officials or Park Rangers.